Perpetuus - a long-term care home for the elderly

Communication and socialisation are necessary for everyone, regardless of our age. The community of a long-term living home is the key to emotional support.

We currently have vacancies for accommodation, price from 1800 Eur/month

Fullness of human life in relation to quality of life

Caring and warmth are an integral part of how we interact with our residents. The specialists, who are always on hand to offer advice, and the patient and hard-working staff often become an important pillar of support for the guest, not only physically but also spiritually. Sincerity and warmth form beautiful friendships and respect protects the dignity of each guest.

Individual attention

A qualified team of healthcare professionals is on hand to take care of guests. It is our team's desire and ambition to make every guest feel better and live longer.

Facilities and activities

Compassion and attention is paid to both the physical and emotional state of the guest. We take care of our guests' emotions and encourage stubbornness and the joy of life.

Fast accommodation

Accommodation solution quickly and without waiting in queues. We provide detailed information about the services you need and help you get home from home or hospitals.

senele privaciuose slaugos namuose perpetuus

Klausučiai - peaceful and picturesque

Klausučiai, located on the banks of the Klausučiai Dam in Jurbarkas District Municipality, is a unique and attractive place to live. The village, which will soon celebrate its centenary, is the largest settlement in the district after Jurbarkas. Although the village itself is not large, it has everything you could need – a cultural centre, a medical centre, a library, a post office, a school, a kindergarten, a supermarket and shops.

There are also many picturesque natural spots: the Armeniukas, a tributary of the Armenos River, flows along the southern edge of Klausučiai. Nearby are Klausučiai II and Klausučiai I, a pond with high banks and tree-covered slopes.

Ongoing support

One of the biggest advantages for seniors in a specialised home is the easy access to help and care to meet their daily needs.

Social activities
Nursing and care
Physical activity

The aim of the "Perpetuus" retirement home

Enabling  to live a full life

The opinion of our customers

Frequently asked questions

Of course, the long-stay home ,,Perpetuus” provides both a short-stay service and a short-stay service for you or your loved ones when you need a break. You can also choose a “Perpetuus” home for a longer stay.

The “Perpetuus” Residence is a modern and contemporary place for your loved one. Single rooms start from 18 sqm. makes you feel at ease. Each room has a private bathroom with a private TV and personalised amenities.

The price of a “Perpetuus” home stay is calculated individually, tailoring individual health and physical activities to your loved one’s needs. The price for a single room starts from €2000/month.

The “Perpetuus” living home only serves fresh food for your loved one. The menu is individually tailored to each guest, after consultation with a dietician.

Yes, at ,,Perpetuus”, you can stay in single rooms. Our team can also offer double rooms on request.

Not sure where to start? Let's talk

We’ll help you answer all your questions and find the best solution for your situation.

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Does the person prefer to live alone or with other people?